Data management II

10 important questions on Data management II

What is a 1NF relation?

a relation is in the first normal form if all attributes are single valued (shoulf contain only one fact).

What is a 2NF relation?

a relation is in second normal form if: it is in the first normal form and all the non primary key attributes are dependent on ALL the primary key attributes

What is a 3NF relation?

a relation is in the third normal form if: it is in the second normal form and all the non-PK attributes are not a fact about other non-PK attributes
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Which type of functional dependency is not allowed in an ER diagram?

The many-to-many dependency, it should be converted into a one-to-many relationship by adding an additional intermediate table.

Within the functional dependency types, there is a distinction between mandatory relationships and optional relationships. Explain this difference.

Mandatory relationships are actions that will always happen, e.g. all data is removed when someone is fired.
Optional relationships are actions that can happen depending on the situation, e.g. when a product is never sold, there is at that moment in time no relationship between OrderDetails and Shipping.

Why do you want to split tables when sharing your data?

Organizations don't want to share certain data to ensure the privacy of their customers and to avoid competition.

What is an E-R diagram?

an entity-relationship model diagram. This visualizes the model of a database, made to provide an overview od the business processing and to identify associated data requirements.

What is a Data-Information-Knowledge Pyramid?

a new table in which you gather all of the info you need in one place.

What are knowledge management systems?

IT systems used for managing knowledge, e.g. internet, intranet, extranet, knowledge bases

Place data, information, knowledge and wisdom in the data hierarchy. Are these explicit or tacit knowledge?

Data = explicit
Information = alomst always explicit
Knowledge = information in action, sometimes explicit, sometimes tacit
Wisdom = tacit

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