Clip 4 - Omnichannel Management - Online vs Offline Interplay

4 important questions on Clip 4 - Omnichannel Management - Online vs Offline Interplay

What are the different channels that can be distinguished when thinking of a Customer Experience?

  1. Traditional: bricks and mortar store;
  2. E-commerce: online shopping;
  3. Multichannel: various, disconnected channels for customers to use independently;
  4. Omnichannel.

What is considered to be the omni-channel experience?

An omni-channel experience is a multi-channel approach to marketing, selling and serving customers in a way that creates an integrated and cohesive customer experience not matter how or where a customer reaches out.

Why has the omnichannel become so important, and especially why the integration between touchpoints? (list the two reasons)

  1. So all touchpoints are giving the same consistent information;
  2. It allows you to track customers in both domains.
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Omnichannels are so important due to Showrooming and Webrooming. Explain the 2 concepts.

  1. Showrooming (mainly for B2C products): people browse in store but buy online (buy with discount from referral);
  2. Webrooming: people browse online but buy in stores (also due to experience store offers e.g. Ikea).

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