Stress and metabolism

6 important questions on Stress and metabolism

What happens when you digest food?

Food --> digested as --> stored as

How and where is the food digested?

In body with help from insulin

What happens to the metabolism under stress?

activated by cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline
- reverse all storage steps: Proteins, glycogen, and triglycerides once again released in blood stream:
fuel for fight or flight action.
- insuline resistance: blocks storage of fat and glucose in fat cells: diabetic state. Cells are less responsive to insuline.
- energy from inactive to active muscles: only proteins from inactive muscles --> convented into amino acids by stress hormones. Fuel-uptake in inactive muscles blocked by cortisol.
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What happens when your body becomes resistant against insulin?

Cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline -->
- blocks storage of fat and glucose in fat cells: diabetic state
- makes cells less responsive to insulin

What happens with stress to disease?

long-term fight/flight: - conversion of substances costs energy: fatigue.
- during extreme stress: muscles can get atrophied (ondervoed)

long-term preparation for fight/flight (humans)
- diabetic state develops and becomes worse
--> too much glucose & fatty acids in blood: i.a. Atherosclerosis, oxygen defects in organs (ischemia): kidney problems

What happens when you have obesitas with you risk of having stress?

Effect of stress & lifestyle: obesitas increases risk stress --> diabetes (type 2)

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